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Assessments by Mind Map: Assessments

1. Question Types

1.1. Multiple Choice

1.2. Matching/Sequencing

1.3. True/False, Yes/No

1.4. Factual Short Answers/Fill-ins

1.5. Higher Order Shot Answer

1.6. Short or Long Answer

2. Delivery Types

2.1. Formative

2.1.1. Summative Choices

2.1.2. Verbal Response

2.1.3. Observation

2.1.4. Nonverbal Response

2.2. Summative

2.2.1. Paper and Pencil

2.2.2. Online

2.2.3. Computer Adaptive Testing

3. Scoring Types

3.1. Human Scoring

3.2. Distributed Scoring

3.3. Automated Scoring

3.4. Rubric

3.5. Checklist

4. Types

4.1. Formative

4.1.1. Gather evidence of learning

4.1.2. Evaluate Evidence

4.1.3. Feedback

4.1.4. Adjust Instruction

4.2. Interim/Benchmarked

4.3. Summative

4.3.1. Review

4.3.2. End of Unit

4.4. Diagnostic

4.5. Performance

4.5.1. Individual or group projects

4.5.2. Portfolios

4.5.3. Student Logs

4.5.4. Journals