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Australia by Mind Map: Australia

1. Government

1.1. Head of the country: Queen Elizabeth the second

1.1.1. Deputy: general governor Peter Crosgrov

1.2. selected into three political levels

2. History

2.1. Aborigines

2.1.1. came to Australia more than 150000 years ago

2.1.2. about 500 different groups with their own languages and territories

2.1.3. environmentally friendly livestyle

2.2. British settlers

2.2.1. came in the 18th century

3. Lifestyle

3.1. a lot of british tradtions

3.2. similar to the european ones

4. sights

4.1. Sydney harbour

4.2. Kakadu national park

4.3. Ayers Rock

4.4. Great barrier reef

4.5. Great ocean road

5. Flag

5.1. Union flag

5.2. Commonwealth star

5.3. "Southern cross"

6. sixth biggest country on earth

6.1. 7.7 km²

6.2. 23.13 mio inhabitants

7. States and territories

7.1. 6 states

7.2. 9 territories