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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. The process of gathering purposeful and informative documentation of student learning and teacher instruction.

2. Assessment is not evaluation!

3. Why Assessment?

3.1. Helps students learn

3.2. Helps teachers redirect instruction

3.3. Helps administration allocate money

4. Types of Assessment

4.1. Summative Assessment

4.1.1. District Assessments

4.1.2. STAAR Test

4.1.3. Final Exams

4.1.4. Cumulative

4.2. Formative Assessment

4.2.1. Pre-Assessments

4.2.2. Exit Tixets

4.2.3. Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down

4.2.4. Questioning

4.2.5. Plickers

4.2.6. Providing Feedback

4.2.7. Student Self Evaluation

4.2.8. Discussion

4.3. Interim/Benchmark

5. Grading

5.1. Summative: Grading is necessary

5.2. Formative: Grading is optional

5.3. Interim/Benchmark: Grading is necessary