Basics of Researching

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Basics of Researching by Mind Map: Basics of Researching

1. Prioritize Resources

1.1. Primary Resources

1.1.1. Most Important

1.2. Secondary Resources

2. Record

2.1. Word Processor

2.2. Charts and Graphs

2.3. Written Notes

3. Identify Sources

3.1. Author

3.2. Title

3.3. Resources

4. Summarize Findings

4.1. Topic Sentence

4.2. Summarize Research

4.3. Support Findings with Evidence

5. Present

6. Brainstorm

6.1. Decide on a topic

6.2. Discuss with others

6.3. Develop open-ended questions

7. Plan

7.1. How will you gather your information?

8. Collect Data

8.1. Text

8.2. Online

9. Help for you

9.1. Big 6 Model

9.2. ...