The Eastern Cougar Puma concolor couguer
by mercurial 22

1. Habitat
1.1. Ontairio
1.2. Nova Scotia
1.3. Quebec
1.4. New Brunswick
2. Status
2.1. Endangered
2.1.1. endangered wildlife in Canada
2.2. data deifiecient nationally
3. Habits
3.1. solitary hunters
3.2. can sprint 35 miles an hour
3.3. they will ambush there prey
4. Human Interactions
4.1. generly avoid humans
4.2. rarely kill humans
4.2.1. only 21 deths in the last 118 years
4.3. if attacked fight back
4.4. cougars follow people
5. Characteristics
5.1. males are over 100kg
5.2. about 2 metres in length
5.3. females slightly smaller
5.4. unique characteristics
5.4.1. 26-32 inch tails
5.4.2. slender bodies
5.4.3. very round heads
5.4.4. short ears
5.4.5. chin and underparts are creamy white
5.4.6. detect ultra sonic frequinces
6. Adaptation
6.1. the eastern cougar has to adapt to the loss of habitat that is construction
6.2. they have to adapt to human disturbance
7. Life span
7.1. about 21 years
7.1.1. (only in captivity)
8. Photos
9. biome
9.1. forests with some wetlands
9.2. can live anywhere from tidal marshes to deserts
10. Map
10.1. tidal marshes
10.2. deserts
10.3. mountain terrain
10.4. tropical forests
11. Repourduction
11.1. females are mature at around 1-2 years of age
11.2. give birth to up to 6 cubs
11.3. only females are ivolved in parenting
11.4. cubs are born blind
12. Feeding
12.1. deer
12.2. moose
12.3. porkupine
12.4. bever
12.5. snowshoe hare
12.6. squrril
12.7. mice
12.8. birds
12.9. coyoties
12.10. lynx
12.11. foxes
12.12. bobcats
12.13. skunks
12.14. eat 1360 Kilograms of meat a year
13. Causes of Endangerment
13.1. loss of habitat
13.1.1. no place to live
13.2. land clearing
13.2.1. they die
13.3. human disturbance
13.3.1. could lead to death
13.4. agruculture
14. Threats
14.1. starvation
14.1.1. not enough food prey die eventually will lead to death