1. Sci 9 Unit C: Environmental Chemistry
1.1. 1. Investigate and describe, in general terms, the role of different substances in the environment in supporting or harming humans and other living things
1.1.1. 1a. identify common organic and inorganic substances that are essential to the health and growth of humans and other living things, and illustrate the roles served by these materials
1.1.2. 1b. describe, in general terms, the forms of organic matter synthesized by plants and animals, including carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
1.1.3. 1c. describe and illustrate processes by which chemicals are introduced to the environment or their concentrations are changed
1.1.4. 1d. describe the uptake of materials by living things through ingestion or absorption, and investigate and describe evidence that some materials are difficult for organisms to break down or eliminate
1.1.5. 1e. identify questions that may need to be addressed in deciding what substances - in what amounts - can be safely released into the environment
1.2. 2. Identify processes for measuring the quantity of different substances in the environment and for monitoring air and water quality
1.2.1. 2a. identify substrates and nutrient sources for living things within a variety of environments
1.2.2. 2b. describe and illustrate the use of biological monitoring as one method for determining environmental quality
1.2.3. 2c. identify chemical factors in an environment that might affect the health and distribution of living things in that environment
1.2.4. 2d. apply and interpret measures of chemical concentration in parts per million, billion or trillion
1.2.5. 2e. identify acids, bases and neutral substances, based on measures of their pH
1.2.6. 2f. investigate, safely, and describe the effects of acids and bases on each other and on other substances
1.2.7. 2g. describe effects of acids and bases on living things
1.3. 3. Analyze and evaluate mechanisms affecting the distribution of potentially harmful substances within an environment
1.3.1. 3a. describe mechanisms for the transfer of materials through air, water and soil; and identify factors that may accelerate or retard distribution
1.3.2. 3b. describe mechanisms for biodegradation, and interpret information on the biodegradability of different materials
1.3.3. 3c. comprehend information on the biological impacts of hazardous chemicals on local and global environments, by: interpreting evidence for environmental changes in the vicinity of a substance release interpreting LD50 data and other information on toxicity identifying concerns with the disposal of domestic wastes, such as paints and oils, and industrial wastes
1.3.4. 3d. investigate and evaluate potential risks resulting from consumer practices and industrial processes, and identify processes used in providing information and setting standards to manage these risks
1.3.5. 3e. identify and evaluate information and evidence related to an issue in which environmental chemistry plays a major role
2. Sci 9 Unit E: Space Exploration
2.1. 1. Investigate and describe ways that human understanding of Earth and space has depended on technological development
2.1.1. 1a. identify different ideas about the nature of Earth and space, based on culture and science
2.1.2. 1c. describe, in general terms, the distribution of matter in star systems, galaxies, nebulae and the universe as a whole
2.1.3. 1d. identify evidence for, and describe characteristics of, bodies that make up the solar system; and compare their composition and characteristics with those of Earth
2.1.4. 1e. describe and apply techniques for determining the position and motion of objects in space, including: constructing and interpreting drawings and physical models that illustrate the motion of objects in space describing in general terms how parallax and the Doppler effect are used to estimate distances of objects in space and to determine their motion describing the position of objects in space, using angular coordinates
3. Physical Education 9
3.1. General Outcome B
3.1.1. understand, experience and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity. B 9-6 analyze and explain the effects that nutrition, fitness and physical activity have on body systems before, during and after exercise
3.2. General Outcome C
3.2.1. interact positively with others C 9-2 identify and discuss the positive behaviours that are demonstrated by active living role models C 9-6 identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and others
3.3. General Outcome D
3.3.1. assume responsibility to lead an active way of life D 9-1 participate regularly in, and realize the benefits of, an active lifestyle D 9-5 design safe movement experiences that promote an active, healthy lifestyle; e.g., student-created games
4. Collect, represent data from the Oldman River Basin
4.1. soil acidity (pH)
4.2. dissolved oxygen content
4.3. precipitation
4.4. light and noise pollution
4.5. identify macromolecules
5. English Language Arts 9
5.1. GLO 1: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
5.1.1. 1.1 Discover and Explore Express ideas and develop understanding talk with others and experience a variety of oral, print and other media texts to explore, develop and justify own opinions and points of view extend understanding by taking different points of view when rereading and reflecting on oral, print and other media texts Set goals reflect on own growth in language learning and use, by considering progress over time and the attainment of personal goals
5.1.2. 1.2 Clarify and Extend Consider the ideas of others Combine ideas Extend understanding assess whether new information extends understanding by considering diverse opinions and exploring ambiguities
5.2. GLO 2: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
5.2.1. 2.4 Create Original Text Generate ideas generalize from own experience to create oral, print and other media texts on a theme Elaborate on the expression of ideas create oral, print and other media texts on common literary themes
5.3. GLO 3: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
5.3.1. 3.1 Plan and Focus Determine information needs select types and sources of information to achieve an effective balance between researched information and own ideas Plan to gather information select information sources that will provide effective support, convincing argument or unique perspectives
6. Sci 9 Unit A: Biological Diversity
6.1. 1. Investigate and interpret diversity among species and within species, and describe how diversity contributes to species survival
6.1.1. 1a. observe variation in living things, and describe examples of variation among species and within species
6.1.2. 1b. identify examples of niches, and describe the role of variation in enabling closely related living things to survive in the same ecosystem
6.1.3. 1c. investigate and interpret dependencies among species that link the survival of one species to the survival of others
6.1.4. 1d. identify the role of variation in species survival under changing environmental conditions
6.2. 2. Investigate the nature of reproductive processes and their role in transmitting species characteristics
6.2.1. 2a. distinguish between sexual and asexual reproduction, and identify and interpret examples of asexual and sexual reproduction in different species describing mechanisms of asexual reproduction including binary fission, budding and the production of spores describing mechanisms of sexual reproduction describing examples of organisms that show both sexual and asexual reproduction describing the formation of zygote and embryo in plant and animal reproduction
6.2.2. 2b. describe examples of variation of characteristics within a species, and identify examples of both discrete and continuous variation
6.2.3. 2c. investigate the transmission of characteristics from parents to offspring, and identify examples of characteristics in offspring that are: the same as the characteristics of both parents the same as the characteristics of one parent intermediate between parent characteristics different from both parents
6.2.4. 2d. distinguish those characteristics that are heritable from those that are not heritable, and identify characteristics for which heredity and environment may both play a role
6.2.5. 2e. identify examples of dominant and recessive characteristics and recognize that dominance and recessiveness provide only a partial explanation for the variation of characteristics in offspring
6.3. 3. Describe, in general terms, the role of genetic materials in the continuity and variation of species characteristics; and investigate and interpret related technologies
6.3.1. 3a. describe, in general terms, the relationship of chromosomes, genes and DNA; and interpret their role as repositories of genetic information
6.3.2. 3b. distinguish between cell division that leads to identical daughter cells, as in binary fission and mitosis, and cell division that leads to formation of sex cells, as in meiosis; and describe, in general terms, the synthesis of genetic materials that takes place during fertilization
6.3.3. 3c. compare sexual and asexual reproduction, in terms of the advantages and disadvantages
6.3.4. 3d. distinguish between, and identify examples of, natural and artificial selection
6.3.5. 3e. describe, in simple terms, some of the newly emerging technologies for recombining genetic material; and identify questions and issues related to their application
6.4. 4. Identify impacts of human action on species survival and variation within species, and analyze related issues for personal and public decision making
6.4.1. 4a. describe the relative abundance of species on Earth and in different environments
6.4.2. 4b. describe ongoing changes in biological diversity through extinction and extirpation of native species, and investigate the role of environmental factors in causing these changes
6.4.3. 4c. evaluate the success and limitations of various local and global strategies for minimizing loss of species diversity
6.4.4. 4d. investigate and describe the use of biotechnology in environmental, agricultural or forest management; and identify potential impacts and issues
7. Create a catalogue/database of indigenous species in Oldman River Basin, include:
7.1. examples of asexual vs. sexual reproduction in plants,
7.2. possible historical instances of natural and artificial selection in the area,
7.3. pictures, diagrams of plants that include different reproductive stages and reproductive organs
7.4. graphical representations of variation, ie. leaf size in mature skunkbrush
8. Interactive representations of food webs, energy webs, niches
9. Skill Outcomes
9.1. Initiating and Planning
9.1.1. Ask questions about the relationships between and among observable variables, and plan investigations to address those questions identify science-related issues (e.g., identify issues related to loss of species diversity) (e.g., identify issues regarding the use of soil fertilizers) identify questions to investigate arising from science-related issues (e.g., "What factors affect the ability of organisms to survive and reproduce in this ecosystem?") (e.g., ask questions about the needs of different living things for nutrients and about the mechanisms by which these nutrients are obtained) state a prediction and a hypothesis based on background information or an observed pattern of events (e.g., predict changes to an area of local parkland that is subject to intense use; hypothesize means of impact, such as soil compaction and disturbance of nest sites) (e.g., state a hypothesis that relates the amount of oxygen in a local water sample to the presence or absence of dissolved nutrients) define and delimit questions and problems to facilitate investigation (e.g., delimit an electronic search for information on species survival by framing a question about a specific group of organisms or a specific ecosystem) select appropriate methods and tools for collecting data and information and for solving problems (e.g., design an investigation to compare the chemical characteristics of two soils)
9.2. Performing and Recording
9.2.1. Conduct investigations into the relationships between and among observations, and gather and record qualitative and quantitative data observe and record data, and prepare simple line drawings (e.g., compare two related plants by measuring, describing and drawing them) estimate measurements (e.g., estimate the population of a given plant species within a study plot) research information related to a given issue (e.g., conduct an electronic search for information on factors that affect the reproduction and survival of wood frogs) select and integrate information that is relevant to the issue (e.g., demonstrate proficiency in uploading and downloading text, image, audio and video files)
9.3. Analyzing and Interpreting
9.3.1. Analyze qualitative and quantitative data, and develop and assess possible explanations identify strengths and weaknesses of different ways of displaying data (e.g., compare different ways of recording and displaying data on plant variation in a study plot) interpret patterns and trends in data, and infer and explain relationships among the variables (e.g., interpret data on changing animal populations, and infer possible causes) apply given criteria for evaluating evidence and sources of information (e.g., evaluate sources based on their currency, credibility and the extent to which claims are supported by data) identify new questions and problems that arise from what was learned identify and suggest explanations for discrepancies in data (e.g., identify possible reasons for variation in the measured concentration of a chemical, where one sample is very different from others or where one group has a very different result from others) apply given criteria for evaluating evidence and sources of information (e.g., use scatterplot data in evaluating how strong a relationship exists between two variables; evaluate claims of environmental impacts, based on the scope and relevance of supporting evidence)
9.4. Communication and Teamwork
9.4.1. Work collaboratively on problems; and use appropriate language and formats to communicate ideas, procedures and results communicate questions, ideas, intentions, plans and results, using lists, notes in point form, sentences, data tables, graphs, drawings, oral language and other means (e.g., illustrate and compare methods of reproduction in sample organisms studied) evaluate individual and group processes used in investigating an issue and evaluating alternative decisions (e.g., evaluate strategies for locating information, such as the use of particular key words or search tools; evaluate approaches for sharing work on a given research task and for synthesizing the information found) defend a given position on an issue, based on their findings (e.g., defend a position on a proposed measure to protect a particular plant or animal population) (e.g., provide a clear rationale for a choice between alternative chemical products in a consumer application)
10. Attitude Outcomes
10.1. Interest in Science
10.1.1. Show interest in science-related questions and issues, and confidently pursue personal interests and career possibilities within science-related fields
10.2. Mutual Respect
10.2.1. Appreciate that scientific understanding evolves from the interaction of ideas involving people with different views and backgrounds
10.3. Scientific Inquiry
10.3.1. Seek and apply evidence when evaluating alternative approaches to investigations, problems and issues
10.4. Collaboration
10.4.1. Work collaboratively in carrying out investigations and in generating and evaluating ideas
10.5. Stewardship
10.5.1. Demonstrate sensitivity and responsibility in pursuing a balance between the needs of humans and a sustainable environment
10.6. Safety
10.6.1. Show concern for safety in planning, carrying out and reviewing activities
11. Mathematics 9
11.1. Patterns and Relations (Patterns), Specific Outcome 2
11.2. Shape and Space (Transformations), Specific Outcome 4
11.3. Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis), Specific Outcome 3
11.4. Statistics and Probability (Data Analysis), Specific Outcomes 1
12. Social Studies 9
12.1. 9.1 demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how Canada’s political processes impact citizenship and identity in an attempt to meet the needs of all Canadians
12.1.1. 9.1.5 analyze the role that citizens and organizations play in Canada’s justice system by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues What are citizens’ legal roles and their responsibilities?
12.1.2. 9.1.6 assess, critically, the impact of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on the legislative process in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues What is the relationship between the rights guaranteed in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the responsibilities of Canadian citizens?
12.1.3. 9.1.7 assess, critically, how the increased demand for recognition of collective rights has impacted the legislative process in Canada by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues How does legislation such as Treaty 6, Treaty 7 and Treaty 8 recognize the status and identity of Aboriginal peoples? How do governments recognize Métis cultures and rights through legislation (i.e., treaties, governance, land claims, Métis Settlements in Alberta)?
12.2. 9.2 demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how economic decision making in Canada and the United States impacts quality of life, citizenship and identity
12.2.1. 9.2.2 appreciate the relationship between consumerism and quality of life
12.2.2. 9.2.5 assess, critically, the relationship between consumerism and quality of life in Canada and the United States by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues How does individual consumer behaviour impact quality of life (e.g., environmental issues)? How does consumerism provide opportunities for and limitations on impacting quality of life? What societal values underlie social programs in Canada and the United States?
12.2.3. 9.2.6 assess, critically, the interrelationship between political decisions and economic systems by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues How do government decisions on environmental issues impact quality of life (i.e., preservation, exploitation and trade of natural resources)?
12.3. 9.S.4. demonstrate skills of decision making and problem solving
12.3.1. take appropriate action and initiative when required in decision-making and problem-solving scenarios
12.3.2. propose and apply strategies or options to solve problems and deal with issues
12.3.3. propose and apply new ideas and strategies, supported with facts and reasons, to contribute to problem solving and decision making
12.3.4. articulate clearly a plan of action to use technology to solve a problem
12.3.5. evaluate choices and the progress in problem solving, then redefine the plan of action as appropriate
12.4. 9.S.6 develop age-appropriate behaviour for social involvement as responsible citizens contributing to their community
12.4.1. develop leadership skills by assuming specific roles and responsibilities in organizations, projects and events within their community
12.5. 9.S.7 apply the research process
12.5.1. reflect on changes of perspective or opinion based on information gathered and research conducted
12.5.2. integrate and synthesize concepts to provide an informed point of view on a research question or an issue
12.5.3. organize and synthesize researched information
12.5.4. practise responsible and ethical use of information and technology