Sports in Britain

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Sports in Britain por Mind Map: Sports in Britain

1. Team Sports

1.1. Baseball

1.1.1. Created in 1845

1.2. Basketball

1.2.1. Created in 1891

1.3. Rugby

1.3.1. Created in 1823

1.4. Curling

1.4.1. Created in 1716

1.5. Football

1.5.1. Created during 18th and 19th

2. From where ?

2.1. British student in the playground of primary school

2.2. Female students

2.3. Bristish soldiers

3. Quizlet

4. Individual Sports

4.1. Golf

4.1.1. Created 15th century

4.2. Bowls

4.2.1. Created in 1299

4.3. Badminton

4.3.1. Created during 18th

4.4. Darts

4.4.1. Created in 1530

4.5. Tennis

4.5.1. Created during 17th

4.6. Cricket

4.6.1. Created during 17th

4.7. Table tennis

4.7.1. Created in beginning of 19th

4.8. Snooker

4.8.1. Created during 19th

5. Glogster