The Rainbow Bridge - Organizations

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The Rainbow Bridge - Organizations by Mind Map: The Rainbow Bridge - Organizations

1. American Sustainable Business Council

2. Amnesty International

3. Art of Living Foundation

4. Association for Global New Thought

5. Association of World Citizens

6. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

7. Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation

8. Bioneers

8.1. YouTube Channel


10. Captain Planet Foundation

11. Center for Conscious Creativity



12. Center for World Indigenous Studies

13. Centre for Global Negotiations

14. Cetacean Society International

15. Children's Defense Fund

16. Common Peace

17. Council for a Parliament of World Religions

18. Peaceful Warrior

19. Dream Change

20. Earth Charter Initiative

21. Earthdance

22. Empower the UN

23. Esalen Institute

24. Foundation for Conscious Evolution

25. Foundation for Mind Research

26. Foundation for the Law of Time

27. Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute

28. Global Alliance for Transformational Entertainment

29. Global Commons Trust

30. Global Movement for Children

31. Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

32. Grameen Foundation

33. Greenpeace International

34. Helen Caldicott Foundation

35. Heritable Innovation Trust

36. Globalization for the Common Good

37. Humanity's team

38. Human Rights Action Center