Woodland Vole
by Ruksana Prasad

1. Action Plan
1.1. Things the Government casn do
1.1.1. By leaving the fallen tree alone insted of taking it and make paper (woodland vole habitat
1.2. Things I can do
1.2.1. If I find a piece of bark I leave it alone instead of touching it and disturbing the woodland vole
1.3. Things the NGO can do
1.3.1. By putting a park up to save the woodland voles
2. Status
2.1. The Woodland Vole has a speical concern for sciencetist
3. Biome or Ecozone
3.1. It lives near wetlands and cottage country
4. Human Impact on the Woodland Vole
4.1. In the cottage country along time ago (and sometimes now) people would go out and hunt for animals and the woodland voles is one of those animals.
4.2. When the wetland dry out the government mowes it down and do constrution.When fallen trees are in the wetland the take it and make paper out of it and the woodland vole has it nest there so they die.
5. Habitat
5.1. Air
5.1.1. Woodland Vole needs cool air for it to live plus clean air to live
5.2. water
5.2.1. Woodland Vole don't swim but drink large amounts of water
5.3. space
5.3.1. Live in deciduous forests in eastern North America
5.4. temperature
5.4.1. They can live up to 20° and down to -10°
6. Biology
6.1. Size
6.1.1. It size is 118mm to 130mm
6.2. Colour
6.2.1. Woodland Vole is brown and a little red
6.3. Life Cycle
6.3.1. Woodland Voles sometimes hibernate but they burrow in the ground
6.4. Off Spring
6.4.1. In the off spring months woodland voles would mate