Freedom Church

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Freedom Church by Mind Map: Freedom Church

1. What?

1.1. Old Milledgeville

1.2. Streets

1.3. Thrifts Stores

1.4. Georgia Military College

1.5. Veteran's Home

1.6. Central State Hospital

2. Why?

2.1. The Poor and Hungery

2.2. Drug Use

2.3. Mentally Challenged

2.4. College Students

2.5. Veterans

2.6. Teen Pregnancy

3. Who?

3.1. Freedom Church

3.2. Crossroads Pregnancy Center

3.3. Church Central

3.4. Freedom Tackle Football

4. Where?

4.1. Downtown Bars

4.2. Community Teens

4.3. Veterans and Mentally Challenged Homes

5. When?

5.1. Engage

5.2. Compassion

5.3. Partners

6. How?

6.1. Select Leaders

6.2. Select Team

6.3. Exegete the Community

6.4. Gather Information

6.5. Create A Strategy

6.6. Don't Quit

7. Church Landscape

7.1. Pews

7.2. Baptismal

7.3. Musical Instruments

7.4. Cross

7.5. Foyer

7.6. Church Signs

7.7. Sports

7.8. Social Media

7.9. Website

8. City Landscape

8.1. College

8.2. River

8.3. Coffee Shops

8.4. Lanudry

8.5. Historic Cemetery

8.6. Restaurants

8.7. Parks