What role does internet/the media play in the spread of Islamophobia?

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What role does internet/the media play in the spread of Islamophobia? by Mind Map: What role does internet/the media play in the spread of Islamophobia?

1. Political

1.1. The US presidential envoy to the coalition, Brett McGurk, said in July that coalition-supported operations had cleared 65,000 sq km (25,000 sq miles) and freed 4 million people. This numbers can vary and publhed n mass media.

1.1.1. As a result They could propaganda radical Islamic directions by spreading links, telephone number and so on.

2. Social

2.1. Spreading news or information about war, political instability makes people scared about this religion.

2.1.1. For example The UN says at least 6,878 civilians were killed in acts of violence in Iraq in 2016

3. Economical

3.1. Terroristic explosions could have destroyed infrastructure, skyscraper and so on. Then to repair all of building needed enormouse amount of money.

3.1.1. fpr example: Prevent is one of four strands of the government's counter-terrorism and econom strategy

4. Ethics

4.1. discrimination and fear of muslims in different published blogs, reports and magazines is totally wrong.

4.1.1. Because Islamophobia is an phenomene that based on stereotypes. Security Minister Ben Wallace MP said: "The Prevent duty sits alongside the duties to protect people from sexual, bullying or criminal manipulation.