Equilibrio en el mercado de dinero

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Equilibrio en el mercado de dinero by Mind Map: Equilibrio en el mercado de dinero

1. La demanda de dinero para transaciones esbla cantidad de dinero que los individuos desean tener

1.1. Pray

2. Se considera saldo reale en valor de la poseciones de dinero medido en funcion de su poder adquisitivo

2.1. Fill you mind with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope.

2.2. Don't try to get even with your enemies.

2.3. Expect ingratitude.

2.4. Count your blessings - not your troubles!

2.5. Don't imitate others.

2.6. When fate hands you a lemon, try to make lemonade.

2.7. Create happiness for others.

3. La demanda de dinero es la proporcion de la riqueza que los agentes desean mantener en forma de dinero

3.1. Live in "day-tight" compartments

3.2. A Magic Formula for Solving Worry Situations

3.2.1. Ask yourself, "What is the worst that can possibly happen?"

3.2.2. Prepare to accept it if you have to.

3.2.3. Calmly proceed to improve on the worst.

3.3. Remind yourself of the exorbitant price you can pay for worry in terms of your health.

4. El tipo de interes incide tambirn sobre la demanda de dinero

4.1. Keep busy

4.2. Don't fuss about trifles.

4.3. Use the Law of Averages to outlaw your worries.

4.4. Co-operate with the inevitable.

4.5. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth - and refuse to give it any more.

4.6. Don't try to saw sawdust.

5. La demanda de dinero se define el dinero como activo financiero que es universalmente aceptado en un economia como medio de pago

5.1. Rest before you get tired.

5.2. Learn to relax at your work.

5.3. Learn to relax at home.

5.4. Apply these four good working habits:

5.4.1. Clear your desk of all papers except those relating to the immediate problem at hand.

5.4.2. Do things in order of their importance.

5.4.3. When you face a problem, solve it then and there if you have the facts necessary to make a decision.

5.4.4. Learn to organize, deputize, and supervise.

5.5. Put enthusiasm into your work.

5.6. Don't worry about insomnia.