components of food
by anana aby abraham
1. carbohydrates
1.1. simple
1.2. complex
1.3. sugar
1.3.1. starch
1.4. they are quick energy giving food
1.5. E.g.: Wheat, Bread,Banana, Rice, Potato
2. proteins
2.1. super power source energy
2.2. helps creating old and damaged cells
2.3. Creates new cells
2.4. E.g. :Soya beans, Eggs, Fish, Nuts and Berries
3. Minerals
3.1. Also known as Protective Foods
3.2. Provides Growth and Development
3.3. Deficiency of minerals can cause serious problems
3.4. Deficiency diseases are marasmus, scurvy, goitre
4. Water
4.1. Solvent for the body
4.2. Absorbs nutrients
4.3. Helps in cleaning the blood
4.4. Needed in body functioning
4.5. Maintain in health and integretion of cells and excretion
5. fats
5.1. lipids
5.2. it is under our skin , around our heart and kidneys.
5.3. excessive fats creates obesity
5.4. less fats creates malnourished
5.5. E.g.:Avocado, Meat, Butter, Ghee
6. Vitamins
6.1. Protective Foods
6.2. Needed in small quantities
6.3. Consists 20 types of Vitamins
6.4. E.g.: Vitamin A, Vit B, Vit C, Vit D