Denise (On the Edge of Gone)

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Denise (On the Edge of Gone) by Mind Map: Denise (On the Edge of Gone)

1. Her Mother

1.1. Addicted to Drugs

1.2. Not a good relationship

2. Iris (Her Sister)

2.1. Missing/ In a safty camp

3. Max (Kinda loves him)

3.1. Falls in Love but doesn't know

3.2. Help Denise out a lot

4. Hazel (The Fault in our stars)

4.1. Cancer and is not fond of herself

5. August (Wonder)

5.1. Facial Deformity

5.2. They both have social issues

6. Melody (Out of My mind)

6.1. Looked at weirdly because of disability

7. Alex (The Island On Bird Street

7.1. Runs from his home to save himself

8. Rita Degen Hidden

9. Celaena Sardothien Throne of Glass