Learning Environments

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Learning Environments by Mind Map: Learning Environments

1. One-to-One Environment

1.1. Total student access

1.2. Increases student's ownership of learning

1.3. Makes differentiated learning for each individual student achievable

1.4. Teacher needs to learn only one format

1.5. Easier to manage

1.6. More efficient teacher planning

2. Computer Stations / Stand-Alone Computer Lab

2.1. Antiquated model

2.2. Increased equity issues

2.3. Promotes a disconnect between 21st Learning and mastery of curriculum content

2.4. Limited student use

3. One-Computer Classroom

3.1. Less bandwidth issues

3.2. Access very problematic

3.3. Increases equity issues

4. Interactive whiteboards, student responder techniques

4.1. Increase student engagement

4.2. Instant student feedback

4.3. Promotes authentic learning community

5. Tablet Computing

5.1. App specific

5.2. Need a separate keyboard for many activities, including State testing in grades 3-12

5.3. Easier for younger students to handle

5.4. More mobile/portable

6. B.Y.O.D. [cell phones, etc]

6.1. Management problems

6.2. Platform issues for classroom apps

6.3. Equity issues

6.4. Increased student choice

7. Cloud Computing

7.1. Ease of applications & files access

7.2. Dependent on uninterrupted Internet

7.3. Access from multiple and varied devices

7.4. Less issues with device storage capacity

8. Blended Learning / Flipped Classroom

8.1. More time for student-student collaboration

8.2. More time for hands-on activities in class

8.3. Takes more time for teacher for initial setup

8.4. Need home access

8.5. Increased student engagement and ownership of learning

9. Online Learning

9.1. At student pace and timeline

9.2. Promotes digital citizenship

9.3. Lacks the face-to-face social component and structure

10. No Computers in the classroom [by design]

10.1. Not in alignment with teaching 21st Century Skills

10.2. Not in alignment with preparing students to be College & Career Ready

10.3. No access to a wealth of online resources