My Life and How I Spent My Time

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My Life and How I Spent My Time by Mind Map: My Life and How I Spent My Time

1. Middle School

1.1. 6th Grade: This was the time that I made adjustments that differed from elementary school and middle school.

1.2. 7th Grade: This was the time that I should have been more considerate when using time because I was unconscious about the time I was trashing.

1.3. 8th Grade: I am disappointed the most in my 8th grade year. If I had the chance to realize how the academics were important to me and my future, I would have been a much better student.

2. Kindergarten

2.1. I was in a dilemma when I was 5 or so because I was lost in a amusement part once. However, I eventually found her but I was in a trauma once.

3. Future

3.1. Thinking of career as a lawyer and eventually developing more valuable skills in verbal and reading skills that are beneficial for a lawyer.

4. Elementry School

4.1. 1st Grade: Not so conscious, just playing

4.2. 2nd Grade: Still not so conscious just playing

4.3. 3rd Grade: Still the same

4.4. 4th Grade: Still the same

4.5. 5th Grade: Entering KIS, very unusual with the environment but adjusting myself, getting used to it.

5. High School

5.1. 9th Grade: A rough start but trying to improve and enhance my skills and grades.