My Personal Learning Network: Jen Dieffenbacher

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My Personal Learning Network: Jen Dieffenbacher by Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network: Jen Dieffenbacher

1. Listserv

1.1. LM_Net

2. Journals

2.1. D-Lib

2.2. Library Journal

2.3. School Library Journal

2.4. Teacher Librarian

3. People

3.1. Prof. Harlan

3.2. Dr. Loerschter

4. New node

5. Nings

5.1. Teacher Librarian Ning

5.2. School Library Tapestry

5.3. 21st Century Teacher Librarians

6. Blogs (Google Reader)

6.1. Blue Skunk Blog

6.2. Library of Congress Blog

6.3. Unquiet Library

6.4. In the Library with the Lead Pipe

6.5. AASL

6.6. This Week in Libraries

6.7. A Chair, A Fireplace, & A Tea Cozy

6.8. The Daring Librarian

7. Organizations

7.1. ALA

7.2. AASL

7.3. ISTE

8. Websites

8.1. Resources for School Librarians

8.2. ALA Web page

8.3. School Library Journal

8.4. Pathfinder Swap Wiki

8.5. Teacher Librarian Wiki

8.6. Teacher Librarian Virtual Cafe

8.7. Joyce Valenza's Web Site

8.8. Web Tools 4 U 2 Use

8.9. esandbox

8.10. SIGMS


8.11.1. New node

9. Networks

9.1. Facebook

9.1.1. Librarians and Transliteracy

9.1.2. Librarian by Day

9.1.3. Webjunction

9.1.4. Learning Round Table of the ALA

9.1.5. School Library Journal

9.1.6. YALSA

9.1.7. Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)

9.1.8. Library Leadership and Management Association (LLAMA)

9.2. Twitter

9.2.1. @stevebwriter

9.2.2. @nypl

9.2.3. @twilibs

9.2.4. @edutopia

9.2.5. @buffyjhamilton

9.2.6. @librarianbyday

9.2.7. @ALA_TechSource

9.2.8. @infomancy

9.2.9. @libraryman

9.2.10. @mashable

9.2.11. @timoreilly

9.2.12. @gwynethjones