TEDxAms2010 - 15. Ideas worth doing - Worldmoon

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TEDxAms2010 - 15. Ideas worth doing - Worldmoon by Mind Map: TEDxAms2010  - 15. Ideas worth doing -  Worldmoon

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2. jewelery

2.1. support future human life

2.2. shop opening

2.2.1. 11/12 opening Shanghai

2.2.2. 2nd in Rotterdam

3. project worldmoon

3.1. global cemetery

3.1.1. provides life on moon

3.2. globalization

3.2.1. friends all over the world

3.2.2. cheap flight

3.2.3. social media

3.3. maintain a grave will change

3.3.1. grave yard

3.4. earth: one metropolis

3.5. how about a moon as necropolis?

3.5.1. ceremonial rocket ashes to moon 2nd function lunar orbit new surface

3.6. new life on the moon

3.6.1. grown from the ashes of our forefathers

3.6.2. world moon no borders no distinction between race etc

4. DUS Architects

4.1. martine de wit