TEDxAms2010 - 19. Carolien Gehrels - Amsterdam, Connecting the dots

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TEDxAms2010 - 19. Carolien Gehrels - Amsterdam, Connecting the dots создатель Mind Map: TEDxAms2010  -  19. Carolien Gehrels -   Amsterdam, Connecting the dots

1. dutch culture

1.1. video from the project "Great Expatations Amsterdam"

1.2. terrible service in restuarants

1.3. dont invite people at home

1.4. dont look for solutions

1.5. had more fun at a funeral

1.5.1. what makes dutch people laugh

2. amsterdam

2.1. occupants give shape to live in city

2.2. proposed i amsterdam campaign

2.2.1. indivual

2.2.2. collectivism

2.3. berlage called the 19th century ugly

2.4. 17th century

2.4.1. tollerance

2.4.2. full bloom

2.4.3. great degree of independance

2.4.4. freedom obtained by sharing responsibilty formed by private sector basis for civil culture

2.4.5. was a city and a market needed trust reliable info everyone was appreaciated stock market dishorizontal structure countless connections strength amsterdam became a state of minds

3. Carolien Gehrels

3.1. City of Amsterdam

3.1.1. Alderperson

3.1.2. PvdA

3.2. Responsible for

3.2.1. Economic Affairs

3.2.2. Art and Culture

3.2.3. Local Media

3.2.4. Participation

3.2.5. Monuments

3.2.6. Infrastructure and Water

3.2.7. Business

3.2.8. Competition and Purchasing

4. Back to overview map

5. city as a marketplace

5.1. buy

5.2. relationships

5.3. associations

5.4. esential part of cities role

5.5. 2 weeks alone in Rome

5.5.1. emerged in past

5.5.2. energy

5.5.3. buzz

5.5.4. huge impression fueled passion

6. amsterdam as hyve

6.1. largest internet hub in the world

6.1.1. AMS-IX

6.2. started in 1990

6.2.1. internet grew

6.2.2. reduce distance

6.2.3. setup amsterdam internet exchange job witteman interconnect facilitate direct traffic

6.3. open up telecom market

6.3.1. open our gates

6.3.2. AMS-IX 400 networks neutral hub attracted business

7. idea worth spreading

7.1. ams center for exhange

7.2. lts of initiatives

7.3. create horizontal leasons

7.4. common ground is created

7.5. network of network

7.5.1. obtain value due to diversity

7.5.2. join network

7.6. build a linked

7.6.1. society

7.6.2. city

7.7. city is the city because of our citizens are who they are