1. Objective: SWBAT analyze and identify the comparison between Dusable and other characters in the story by citing textual evidence in order to complete a comparison graphic organizer.
2. Jaylyn
2.1. Readiness
2.1.1. He has a 650 Lexile score that's indicative to 3rd grade reading comprehension, which is below grade level
2.1.2. Has difficulties following assignment instructions
2.1.3. Has a short attention span, easily distracted by others, excessive talker, which results in incomplete assignments
2.1.4. He does not write clear concise sentences, having difficulties with written responses
2.1.5. Gives a solid effort during difficult assignments
2.2. Interest
2.2.1. He loves to play football, basketball, and baseball
2.2.2. He loves to do managerial duties
2.2.3. He loves to work in groups rather than alone
2.2.4. He enjoys to promulgate events
2.2.5. Likes to play video games
2.3. Learning Preferences
2.3.1. Jaylyn prefers to do computer based assignments
2.3.2. He understands process steps very quickly when their giving to him in a video format
2.3.3. Discussion based assignments his one of his strengths which is contrary from written based
2.3.4. Jaylyn enjoys assignments that demands him to move around
2.4. Differentiation Strategies
2.4.1. Group Discussion Jaylyn will recieve instructions through video and then be placed in a heterogeneous group of 3 people where they have to "popcorn read" to analyze the characters similarities and differences. He will demonstrate his understanding of the content by participating and presenting information with validity in a socratic seminar
2.4.2. 21st Century Technology Jaylyn will receive direct instruction from his teacher along with a visual in a power point format. He then will listen to an audio version of the story as he highlight important details on his physical text. To display his knowledge, he will partner up with a peer to engage and create a digital venn diagram that details the similarities and differences of the characters
3. Tonja'nae
3.1. Readiness
3.1.1. Tonja'nae's Lexile level is 500 which is below grade level.
3.1.2. She uses excessive profanity and is recalcitrant when she receives redirection
3.1.3. She exudes an apathetic attitude when she receives challenging activities
3.1.4. Rarely come to class with materials
3.1.5. She expresses herself very well through writing
3.2. Interest
3.2.1. Tonja'nae loves to dance and give reviews of previous events
3.2.2. She enjoy's drawing pictures and decorating books
3.2.3. She likes to watch other people play sports and provide them with feedback
3.3. Learning Preferences
3.3.1. Does not work well with others, she works better alone
3.3.2. Process steps need to be broken down into chronological order
3.3.3. She's a practical learning, therefore, she learns from engaging in activities one step at a time
3.3.4. Needs a lot of probing questions to develop thoughts and answers
3.3.5. Focuses at optimal levels in isolated environments
3.4. Differentiation Strategies
3.4.1. One-to-one Teaching Teacher will embed the instructions and process steps on student deliverable and scaffold the reading of the story by omitting certain words so the student can fill in the blank by saying the words aloud. Teacher will guide the student through the analysis phase of the assignment with probing questions and the student will demonstrate her comprehension of the similarities and differences by writing an evidence based response
3.4.2. Gradual Release The teacher will read instructions and process steps aloud and ask the student to repeat them aloud. The student will participate in a "popcorn read" with the whole class while identifying comparisons and differences independently with a colorful highlighter. She demonstrate her understanding by creating and designing a venn diagram on a piece of construction paper, cutting out pieces of evidence from the text, and pasting it to the correct columns.