What are the qualities of 21st century teaching and learning?

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What are the qualities of 21st century teaching and learning? by Mind Map: What are the qualities of 21st century teaching and learning?

1. Transformative Leadership facilitates 21st Century teaching and learning

1.1. Emotional Intelligence Skills

1.1.1. Generating Short Term Wins Create scoreboard for action plan Create an action plan with monthly benchmarks

1.1.2. Creating a Sense of Urgency Create shared tool to create meaning and share student data for PLC's and benchmarks

1.1.3. Building a Guiding Coalition Create leadership teams to include stakeholders to assist with action plan and benchmarks

1.1.4. Anchoring New Approaches in Culture Create staff development plan to promote student engagement and cultural integration within academic contexts.

1.2. Strategic Planning Skills

1.2.1. Creating a Vision & Strategy

1.2.2. Communicating Change Vision

1.2.3. Empowering Broad Based Action

1.2.4. Consolidating Gains and Producing More Change

1.2.5. Research driven instruction

1.2.6. Alignment of assessments

1.2.7. Coordination of PD

2. Seek Questions

2.1. Question norms

2.2. Develop thinking skills to question

2.3. Using answers to find better questions

3. Authentic Assessment

3.1. Standards that measure contribution

3.2. Products that contribute to the world

3.3. Celebration of failures as tools of learning

4. Problem-Solving

4.1. Personal Reflection

4.2. Connections outside the classroom

4.3. Creativity

5. Cultural Integration

5.1. Learn from various points of view

5.2. Culture of collaboration

5.3. Accessible to a variety of learners