My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education by Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Equality of Education

1.1. Items to be Delivered

1.2. Racial issues in school systems have been a factor for many years. Back in the 1960's they wrote the Civil Rights legislation.  School systems are always looking at a person skin on how smart he/she will be.  Among 16-24 years of age the drop out rate is 9.3 percent among African Americans, 17.6 percent Hispanic-American students.  Whites really excel in the class room while other races do not, 66 percent of African Americans students have reached that level of reading proficiency and 70 of Hispanic Americans are reading at intermediate level.

1.2.1. The Coleman Study is a great study that tells you where the nation is at on the equal opportunity thru racial groups and other minority group.  James Coleman was a sociologist that received a large grant to study the difference between organizational characteristics of schools and student achievement.  The explanation behind the grant was to explain that African American students and white students had fundamentally different schooling experiences.

1.3. The race plays a important role in the school systems because its always going to be an underlying problem if schools admit it or not.  Whites are always going to be looked at the ones that will have more success than other races because society really exposes the issue.  Minorities do not receive the same educational opportunities as whites, and their rewards for educational attainment are significantly less.

1.3.1. One of the finds in the study was that organizational differences between schools were not particularly important in determining student outcomes when compared to the differences in student-body compositions between schools.  Middle class students excelled when they are dominant in the school system but when middle class students were not so successful with middle class so the majority.  The second study was about how family background came into play about how students succeeded or not.  Differences in schools did make a difference if students succeeded because some schools did not have the resources like other schools did.

1.4. Women are given the same opportunities as men in the educational standpoint.  Women used to not get that same social status because they were more than likely to drop out but now they are more likely to stay in school.  Males are more likely to score higher on the SAT but females are more than likely to be on a higher reading level than men.  Females are attending more post-secondary institutions that males are because a lot of males are looking for work right after high school.  After reading the facts women are on a higher level in a school system than they were several years ago.  The opportunity and success rate has went up and they are second to none to men.

1.4.1. In the third study outcome that individual backgrounds came into play and that schools suggested that going to a high-poverty school or a highly segregated African American school has a profound effect on a student's achievement outcomes, above and beyond the effect of individual poverty or minority status.  Where an individual goes to school can have an effect on how successful a student can be especially where race is an issue.  School has a greater effect on student achievement than an individual's race and class.

2. Politics of Education

2.1. Conservative

2.1.1. Free Market

2.1.2. Market Economy

2.1.3. Individuals

2.1.4. Supply Side Economics

2.1.5. Individual Initiative

2.1.6. Rational actors

2.2. Traditional

2.2.1. Hard Work

2.2.2. Family Unity

2.2.3. Individual Initiative

2.2.4. Pass on the Best

2.2.5. Right Liberal

2.2.6. Transmission of the traditional values

3. History of Education

3.1. Opposition to Public Education

3.1.1. Public Money Public Suppor

3.1.2. Unjust Land Grants for Universities

3.2. The Democratice-Liberal School

3.2.1. Lawrence Cremin Popular Education Discontents Ellwood Cubberly Merle Cutti

4. Socialogical of Perspective

4.1. Societal Level

4.1.1. Popularity Group or Club How many friends do you have

4.1.2. What group of social staus

5. Education of Inequality

5.1. Functionalist expect that the schooling process will produce unequal results, but these results ought to be based on individual differences between students, not on group differences.  This theory is big on making students more bright and better for the future and that equal opportunity for students to shine in an individual light not a group light

5.1.1. A genetic difference is probably one of the most student-centered explanation argument.  When there are students that have something wrong with them some schools label them different.  Some schools think that just because a student has something genetically wrong with them they feel like they would hender the school system more than it would help it.  Some schools do not give students like this a fair chance.

5.2. The Functionalist vision of a just society is one where individual talent and hard work is based on performance more than characteristics based on methods of evaluation.  This theory gives students a chance to achieve whatever they want too but some schools try to do away with theories like this because they feel like students shine better as what their peers do than standing alone as an individuals.

5.2.1. Studies show that students that are labeled with genetic issues those kids do not succeed in a school setting more than if the school just accepts the kid for who they are.  African Americans and non white students that have an unequal educational performance that hurts their intelligence level, that does not affect other students that does not have these genetic differences.

5.3. For functionalist it is imperative to understand the sources of educational inequality so as to ensure the elimination of structural barriers to educational success and provide all groups to have a chance to compete for educational success. This perspective has been the foundation of liberal educational policy in the United States since the 1960s.

5.3.1. The test that are given in the school are based on a different level that may affect scores for cultural based genetic difference for African Americans and non white students.  These theories have related difference through cultural deprivation and cultural difference. This student centered problem could really be solved if more schools would accept these students and give them a chance, than just really shutting the doors on these students.

6. Educational Reform

6.1. School-Business Partnerships have been around the school systems for years.  Businesses are always trying to help schools and also help promote their business.  When a business becomes the back bone in a school system, they boost themselves as education helpers which in some areas it does not happen all that much.  Schools systems love the ability to go out in the neighborhood and get local businesses involved in the education well fair.  Some businesses set a Foundation or give a scholarship in their name to help out schools especially financially.

6.1.1. Community reform could possibly that schools are limited institutions for eradicating the effect of poverty and its effect on children.  The community is where some schools hope they get the backing especially in low rural areas that do not have the financial support.  Minorities and different races live in area where poverty is an issue that effects the student with their peers and with the ability to have success in the classroom.

6.2. Some businesses are big on getting involved with community activities with school systems because to several businesses this makes them look good and for some that is good publicity.  School systems love when there is another financial backer especially in several areas do not have the resources to do much.  This gives some school systems the opportunity to be successful on a bigger level.

6.2.1. Economic reforms usually comes from the economic background of the area itself.  Every school has not got the backing by partnerships or businesses that is putting up a lot of money to support these schools.  Some schools are really just using the money the state gives them and the opportunity that presents itself

6.3. A societal reform would be the one of the power of schools in eliminating the achievement gap for low-income students.  This sufficient evidence that all schools should have equal opportunity because some schools do not have the resources to come up with chance for some low income opportunities.

6.3.1. The political reform is based on political issues that people from the white house presenting as the No child left behind.  Some schools problems are just not based on academic achievement but the money that goes into getting the school more resources that helps the students become for successful.  The NO child left behind hurt some schools because a lot of students got behind because since this was message from the Big house than schools had to follow it. I think it has hurt more than help.

7. Philosophy of Education

8. Schools as Organization

8.1. State Senators are very important to school systems in the Alabama system or in any school system.  I am involved with the Alabama School System.  The State Senators name is Jeff Sessions.  He does a good job by putting ideas out there for the Alabama Education that gets all the way to congress fighting for what is best for our school systems.

8.1.1. State School Board Members for each state hold a very important role in what they do.  They support the state superintendent in what he does and helps make the decisions that are best suited for the respected state that these committee members work for.  This committee works to make teachers and students lives easier in the school systems by helping make the tough decisions.

8.2. House of Representatives are very important in any education systems because with decisions they make it controls and determines what the schools can and cannot do.  The state senator and house of representatives  work together looking for the best possible opportunity for that state school system they are fighting for

8.2.1. Local Superintendent are very important because most run several schools in there district.  The area I am from is Albertville and the superintendent is Dr. Ayers.  He is over the Albertville City School System, he does a very good job at what he does because he has a very good support system.  Without this support system his job would be more difficult that he expected.  The local school board members are very important in the school systems because they support what the superintendent does and how the school system is ran.,  They help decide on the people they hire and fire in their systems.  Making every teacher uphold the standards of that certain school system.

8.3. State Superintendent has so many things they do to keep there respective states in order, the decisions that make effect every school system in that certain state.  The Alabama State Superintendent is Tommy Bice.  Dr. Bice does a great job with everything he does.  He puts teachers and students first in what decisions he makes for the school systems

8.3.1. Great Britain is the school system that I am going to talk about because its different from the one that I am familiar with.  There school system used to be all private and the parents did the school teaching.  It was society based until they introduced the charity school system for poor children.  These schools were usually ran by religious organization.  In the school system I am in we take all kinds of children from poor to rich.  Society is very different over here because in every school systems they have money issues so the  more students taken the more money a school system gets.  The more money a  school has the more resources they usually have.

9. Curriculum and Pedagogy

9.1. The historical curriculum I like is the developmentalist curriculum because it focuses on the students need and not what society decides.  It gives the teacher more control and with that control a teacher can have a bigger impact on a student.

9.1.1. The sociology of the curriculum I chose to talk about is the theory of Functionalists.  I like this and believe that this would work because it also can focus on what the student needs to function in the world after school.  As teachers we teacher the curriculum that is in front of us but some curriculum allows us to make a change for the better to help prepare students in a way that some curriculums do not allow you to do.

9.2. This curriculum is taught effectively because it looks at the students need and what they can and cannot do. Some look just what the kids cannot do and it does not help them with what they need in the future.  Some schools just pass kids to the next because they feel like they have done enough.  In this curriculum students are valued and teachers can really look at their weaknesses and use that as a focal point.

9.2.1. This theory gives the students the keys to what it takes to be a component in today's society.  With all the knowledge students have these days, some do not have the common sense that have to survive the real world.  Many students have the book smarts to think they can succeed but most do not have the common sense to really make an impact in todays society.  This theory allows teachers to help students to understand the difference.  That is why a lot of school systems do not like it because they think it is more work that they would have to implement.

9.3. This curriculum is not very popular among today teaching because some teachers are interested in social status and not really getting in deep with there students.  This curriculum really allows teachers to have freedom and flexibility to allow them to focus on the students need and not what society tells them to focus on.

9.3.1. This theory is not a popular one, I am assuming that is why I think it would work so good because the good theories are usually overlooked.  Some school systems just do the curriculum that makes sense and not really thinking outside of the box, but with theories like this, it really can change lives.  That is why I want to be a teacher is change lives and make an impact.  This theory allows teachers the freedom to that.

10. History of US Education

11. Socialogical Perspectives