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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. 1. Formative

1.1. Definition

1.1.1. Process of gathering evidence of student learning

1.1.2. Providing feedback

1.1.3. adjusting instruction strategies to enhance achievement

1.2. Daily Basis

1.2.1. Thumbs up

1.2.2. Attention Grabbers

1.3. 6 types

1.3.1. Student exercises

1.3.2. Homework

1.3.3. pre-tests

1.3.4. in class assignments

1.3.5. Quizes

1.3.6. Student response

2. 2. Summative

2.1. Definition: Process of gathering information of students learning

2.2. once or twice in a school year

2.3. Planning Summative Assessment

2.3.1. 1. End learning

2.3.2. 2. Review

2.3.3. 3. ensuring high quality assessment

2.3.4. 4. representative sampling

3. Standard Assessment

3.1. STARR Test

3.2. District

3.3. TEKS

4. Why is it important

4.1. To see what students know

4.2. helps student learn

4.3. teachers improve instruction

4.4. admin decide how to allocate resources

4.5. efficiency of educational programs

5. 4. Interim/benchmark

5.1. Definition

5.1.1. periodic testing throughout the year

5.2. little or no student feedback

6. Definition

6.1. purposeful and systematic measurement for documentation, reflection and improvement for:

6.1.1. student learning

6.1.2. instructional practice

7. It is not evaluation!

8. 3. Performance

8.1. Group projects

8.1.1. Individual

8.1.2. Group

8.2. Portfolios

8.3. Student logs

8.4. Journals

9. Question types

9.1. multiple choice

9.2. matching

9.3. short answer

9.4. true or false

10. Delivery types

10.1. Paper pencil

10.2. Computer based