Hitler's Rise / WWII

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Hitler's Rise / WWII by Mind Map: Hitler's Rise / WWII

1. Treaty of Versailles

1.1. -war guilt clause (article 231)

1.2. -german frustration/pride

1.3. reperations, 33million, distracted countires

2. Distraction of other nations

2.1. Great Depression 1929 = US isolationism

2.2. Great Britain

2.2.1. appeasment

2.2.2. Treaty of Versailles is too harsh

3. Failure of Democracy

3.1. Great Depression

3.2. reperation

3.3. enabling laws

3.4. new democracies, weak countries

3.4.1. Czechoslavakia

3.4.2. Poland

3.4.3. Hungrary

3.5. Understanding the constitution of Weimar Republic

4. Nationalism

5. Hitler's agenda + methods

5.1. Living space

5.2. common enemy

5.3. anti-semitism

6. History of International Relations

6.1. legacies of imperialism

6.1.1. international distrust

6.1.2. militarism

6.1.3. nationalism