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OpenPlanet by Mind Map: OpenPlanet

1. make environmental impact visible

1.1. Visualizing... on moving around - Sense users journey and mode of travel, report to monetary, environmental cost to the user - present savings opportunities

1.2. intelligent container for keeping track of pollution - incentivise people to return packaging - rfid tech enables more advanced deposit system (e.g. you get eur5 back when you return the cardboard packaging of your computer) - e.g. through a deposit system farmers have an economic incentive to not leave empty fertiliser bags in a field

2. pollution control

2.1. motorway shroud - sequester emmisions from motorway traffic - construct capture system around motorway - dimishing capture potential as more vehicles become electric ? - can be selectively applied in high traffic density areas ? - maybe cars can sequester their own emissions and empty the sequestration reservoir at refill time ?

3. a way to use what is currently wasted

3.1. Time efficient farming innovation - capture waste heat energy from farm activity - the idea looks practical and easy to implement

4. Policy

4.1. Intercity Mass Transportation Standard - use international organisations to promote public transport - this already exists to an extent, e.g. ireland upgraded it's infrastructure to eu standards - there is potential leverage; govts are willing to take major steps to host olympics, world cup

5. make something people need more available

5.1. Let the water shine clean Use renewable energy to enable UV water disinfection in areas with poor water/power infrastructure

6. Connecting resources with willing implementors

6.1. Towards the tree solution - connect people who want to offset their carbon footprint, with people who need help to improve their environment - e.g. an organisation with carbon deficit with local group in madagascar

7. protect environment

7.1. Dye sensitized solar cell - protect ice caps by capturing solar energy before it hits the ice - such projects exist in africa, e.g. solar energy plants in the sahara - covering an ice cap with tech doesnt really protect the habitat - low solar energy density in polar regions mean not best place to generate energy - but maybe worth consideration.