Major Characters in Harry Potter

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Major Characters in Harry Potter by Mind Map: Major Characters in Harry Potter

1. Draco Malfoy

1.1. arrogant

1.2. Harry's nemesis

1.3. wealthy

2. Severus Snape

2.1. evil

2.2. harsh

3. Albus Dumbledore

3.1. wise

3.2. learned

3.3. kind

3.4. humble

3.5. famous

4. Hermione

4.1. intelligent

4.2. kind hearted

4.3. annoying at onset

4.4. perfectionist

4.5. loyal

4.6. born a Muggle

5. Harry

5.1. brave

5.2. friendly

5.3. daring

5.4. great at Quidditch

5.5. caring

5.6. shrewd

6. Hagrid

6.1. well meaning

6.2. kind

6.3. endearing

6.4. naive

6.5. fond of animals

6.6. generous

6.7. warm

7. Ron

7.1. jovial

7.2. funny

7.3. loyal

7.4. shy

7.5. modest