Media Influences Interactions

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Media Influences Interactions by Mind Map: Media Influences Interactions

1. Heroes and Villains

1.1. "If its in the papers ... everyone agrees"

1.1.1. Tone of voice

1.2. What do you know about this professor bloke? ... I read the weekend papers mate ... This racist stuff? Dynamite mate."

1.2.1. Jargon

1.3. "That's social engineering isn't that what Hitler did? That's not social engineering well now your an apologist for Hitler? i'm referring to my book- I guess professor you would deny the holocaust as well?"

1.3.1. Obnoxious sarcasm

2. A Man With Five Children

2.1. *An open space near water* *Gerry approaches with his camera* "No way. No way, pal."

2.1.1. Emotive language

2.2. "Cam. I'll do it. This is the deal." ... "You go back into the cop shop-" "Eh?" "-and I shoot you coming out into the street.."

2.2.1. Unexpected humour

2.3. "...On my twenty-first you set me up. ... I asked you not to show my presents." "I had to show the car. It was part of your story." "It was the whole story for you"

2.3.1. Obnoxious sarcasm