Jessica Carlisle

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Jessica Carlisle by Mind Map: Jessica Carlisle

1. Hank

1.1. prosthetist trying to help Jessica but Jessica fear P116

1.2. the only prosthtist in local P122

2. Chloe

2.1. receptionist  like sunshine P124

2.2. encourage Jessica P125,126

3. Claudia

3.1. Vanessa's mother, classy style P161

3.2. very sorry/thanks to Jessica P162

4. Vanessa

4.1. refused to shake hand after lost P158

4.2. great runner P163

5. Mr Benson

5.1. looks grumpy P126

6. Jack Lowe

6.1. truck driver but no insurance P112

7. Dr Wells

7.1. a busy and good doctor  P121

8. Kyro(coach)

8.1. missed Jessica P100

8.2. tried to help/welcome  Jessica  P101

8.3. encourage Jessica P141

9. Shandall Norwood

9.1. fast sophomore P92

9.2. encourage Jessica P157

10. father

10.1. Love Jessica P111

11. Fiona

11.1. close friend of Jessica P95

11.2. passionate helper P93,84

11.3. encourage Jessica P96

12. Merryl

12.1. not at party P106

12.2. close to Gavin P107

13. Gavin

13.1. not really popular P107

13.2. Care about Jessica P79

13.3. With Merryl P108

14. Kaylee

14.1. sister who worries about Jessica P83

14.2. barely grunts hello P64

15. Mother

15.1. anxious about Jessica's condition P127

15.2. kind to Jessica P85

15.3. assure Jessica make her calm and confident P125

16. Sherlock (pet)

17. Lucy

17.1. dead teammate

17.2. Jessica feels guilty/blame herself  P80

18. Marcy

18.1. teammate Jessica mentioned P80

19. Mrs Rucker

19.1. teacher like machine P83

20. Leesha, Panny, Illy, Twent (mispronounced by Rosa)

21. Rosa

21.1. classmate special needs girl P103

21.2. wheelchairs whole life  P105

21.3. help each other  P135

21.4. shy/rarely talk (pronunciation bad) P134

22. Mrs Wahl

22.1. friendly teacher P135

23. Ms Aloi

23.1. kind English teacher P95

24. Mr Vedder

24.1. excused Jessica P97

24.2. kind and ask about Jessica's personal situation P98-99

25. Hannah