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cyberbulling by Mind Map: cyberbulling

1. the person that suffer bullying: can suicide, suffer depression, have health problems,  kill someone, problems with the persons around him and could be alone.

2. family and friend: both parts can suffer depresion, health problems or suicide

3. the cyberbulling can have big consequences for all the involucrates: the family and friend of the persons that suffer bullying and the bully

4. we can stop the cyberbullying with parental care,take care of our personal information, use the internet in a correct way, ask for help when we have problems, respect others etc...

5. if you suffer cyberbulling you can do this: ask for help with your father, ask for help with professionals, report the problem with authorities, talk with the bully, reportand block the person and be happy.

6. bully: the bully can go to the jail, can be killed for the person that suffer bullying or suicide