Chapter 2 & 3

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Chapter 2 & 3 by Mind Map: Chapter 2 & 3

1. Wealthy children attended first-class institutions whereas, poorer children had to attend second-class institutions that didn't give them the same opportunities as wealthy kids

2. Men are more attractive when they're well financially

3. Women are more attractive when they're beautiful and have sex appeal

4. Coroa's money is more about having a better life not necessarily escaping poverty

5. Black is said to only be beautiful when white is added in

6. Gloria used jokes as disapproval of Roberto's sexual choice of being with a darker skinned woman

7. It's harder for Gloria's daughters to find quality jobs with decent pay due to their darker skin and class characteristics

8. Gloria's financial situation got better after accepting a domestic job that paid more money than other domestic jobs with the help of Dona Beth

9. Gloria made her way into the working class in her late 40's

10. Domestic work takes a lot of time and effort but it hardly keeps everyone clothed and properly fed

11. Domestic work was normally associated with dark skin which was associated with slavery, dirty, ugly, & low class

12. Domestic workers had to provide sexual and nurturing services to their employers family

13. Privilege can be inherent or acquired

14. Domestic workers are usually loved and appreciated by their middle and upper class employers

15. Beth's daughter & Gloria both want independence

16. Afro-Brazilian women are treated unequally

17. Afro-Brazilian women get the lowest pay in the country

18. Due to the drastic difference in skin complexion, Eliana's grandson's appearance suggests a radicalized class relationship

19. Brazilians don't feel comfortable speaking about race or racism

20. It was more about class than race in Brazil

21. Race in Brazil is only different in comparison to the U.S.

22. Lighter-skinned people have more opportunities and a higher chance at success

23. Mulatas had black ancestry but was expected to represent a mixture of their whiteness

24. Internet search of Brazil + Mulata resulted in porn sites

25. Gloria's most colorful period of her life was when she worked for "fags and dykes"

26. Gloria's clients were flexible and helped her when she was in need

27. When Gloria was younger, she couldn't eat the same food that she served to her employer

28. Nilda made it out of the low class through marriage

29. Slavery was thought to be in the interest of slaves because it gave them access to certain resources