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1.1. connector + subjetct  verb

1.1.1. although/though Though it was dark out, they went for a walk.

1.1.2. even though I decided to walk to the library even though it was raining.

1.1.3. while While I'm glad he's come to stay with us, I do wish he wouldn't use all the milk!

1.2. in spite of/ despite (the fact that)

1.2.1. + noun phrase In spite of his behaviour, I still love him.

1.2.2. + veb -ing Despite working as hard as I could, I still failed the exam.

1.2.3. + the fact + subject + verb

1.3. whereas/yet

1.3.1. can start with or come in the middle He likes broccoli, whereas she hates it.

1.3.2. cannon start a sentence I like it, yet it could be improved.

1.4. however/ even so

1.4.1. It was very expensive travelling to visit my sister and her family; however, it was completely worth it.

1.5. nevertheless/on the other hand

1.5.1. = even so She didn't like the price. Nevertheless, she bought it.

1.5.2. to express an opposing view Living in a cold climate is difficult for some people; on the other hand, there are many fun winter activities.


2.1. Because of + noun

2.1.1. I was late because of heavy traffic.

2.2. As/Because/Since + subject + verb

2.2.1. I was late because I forgot to set my alarm clock.

2.3. Owing to/ Due to + noun

2.3.1. The game was delayed due to bad weather.

2.4. So that

2.4.1. Drive carefully so that you will arrive safely.

2.5. so

2.5.1. I'm hungry, so I'm going to get something to eat.

2.6. In that

2.6.1. It's true, in that it was proven in a court of law.


3.1. Apart from/Besides

3.1.1. I don't like peanut butter, besides which, I'm allergic to nuts.

3.2. In addition to/As well as/Besides

3.2.1. Besides money, Ralph also wanted a job.

3.3. Furthermore/what is more/moreover

3.3.1. Furthermore, it is legal to do this.

3.4. Both... and

3.4.1. She's admired both for her kindness and for her talent.

3.5. Nor

3.5.1. The lecture wasn't very informative, nor was it very entertaining.

3.6. not only... but also

3.6.1. A sedentary life is not only boring, but also unhealthy

3.7. Similarly


4.1. If/whether

4.1.1. Do you know if he's coming to the party?

4.2. Whether

4.2.1. I cannot decide whether to wear this or this

4.3. Whether or not

4.3.1. We'll go to the game whether or not it rains.

4.4. Providing/provided that

4.4.1. You may go to the ball, Cinderella, providing you are back by midnight.

4.5. Unless

4.5.1. Minors are not admitted unless they''re accompanied by an adult.


5.1. Before + subject + verb

5.1.1. He could drive a car before he learned how to ride a bike.

5.2. Before + -ing or having +pp

5.2.1. Before going out, finish your homework

5.3. Previously

5.3.1. I started wearing glasses a couple of years ago; previously I wore contact lenses for 40 years.

5.4. Formerly

5.4.1. Karen Smith was formerly named Karen Stevens.

5.5. As/While

5.5.1. She wrote an email while watching TV.

5.6. Just as

5.6.1. The telephone rang just as I was getting into my bath.

5.7. During

5.7.1. We will be absent during the holidays.

5.8. Throughout

5.8.1. Airplanes are landing throughout the day.

5.9. Following/After + noun

5.9.1. We can discuss it more after lunch.

5.10. As soon as

5.10.1. I will pay for your ticket as soon as you make the reservation.

5.11. Once/when

5.11.1. You can pay for it once you get here.