5 Paragraph Essay

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5 Paragraph Essay by Mind Map: 5 Paragraph Essay

1. Body Paragraph 3

1.1. Final MEAT of essay

1.2. Provides in depth details to support main idea

1.3. Uses details or evidence

2. Conclusion Paragraph

2.1. Closing

2.2. Summarize your main point

2.3. Explain why it is important

2.4. Bring story to a close

3. Introduction Paragraph

3.1. Hook

3.1.1. Catch reader's attention

3.2. Introduce Topic to reader

3.3. Summarize main idea

4. Body Paragraph 1

4.1. MEAT of essay

4.2. Supporting evidence to main idea

4.3. Provides more in depth information to the topic

4.4. Use details

5. Body Paragraph 2

5.1. More MEAT

5.2. 2nd part of story or evidence to support main idea