1. don't know how to use computers
1.1. If they did, they would probably be making more money...
2. don't know how to gather assigned work
2.1. email is a poor choice for lots of reasons: see my notes on how to run a course by email
2.1.1. http://dennisgdaniels.com/tiki-index.php?page=Running%20A%20Course%20By%20Email
3. don't have computers or internet or both at home
4. don't know how to evaluate the work effectively
4.1. regex is beyond many
5. few teachers percieve the evil of paper
5.1. time handling paper
5.1.1. pushing around
5.2. repetition of tasks
5.3. space / weight requirements
5.3.1. paper requires trays
5.3.2. bags
5.3.3. folders
5.3.4. file cabinets
6. few teachers know how to use the keyboard for rapid fire feedback tagging
7. few tools specifically for teachers
7.1. not a very proactive market despite its huge size
7.1.1. teachers don't spend a lot of money on software
8. few to no rewards for doing better
8.1. enormous issue of pay for performance
8.1.1. I'd happily take pay for performance if I could choose my students vetted for interest vetted for support from the family history of higher education vetted for insulation against environmental variables two parent family steady income no history of thoroughly tested to know exactly where the strengths and weakness lay full access to support services and training and tutoring facitlies to fill in any gaps small class size so that I could nearly garantee 100% success of all students
8.1.2. not going to happen except in the most elite of private schools
8.2. so why become more efficient?
8.2.1. love of the students
8.2.2. love of the job
8.2.3. desire to do better
8.2.4. how long does this last faced with all of the other variables that get in the way?
9. few developers for educational applications or tools
9.1. not sexy
9.2. little percieved market because teachers are not very computer savvy in general...
9.2.1. teachers went into teaching for 'people' not machines... many teachers will leave because of the inefficiencies of the people because they don't know how to use the machines to relieve the secretarial pushing paper tasks that drain people of interest and the desire to be creative. I've no evidence, just hunches. The turnover in the teaching profession is very high...