Psychology and Law

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Psychology and Law by Mind Map: Psychology and Law

1. Degree Requirements, License and Certification

1.1. Bachelors Degree

1.1.1. Major in psychology with a minor in criminal justice, criminology or pre-law

1.2. Masters Degree

1.2.1. Forensic psychology

1.3. PhD

1.3.1. Psychology with a concentration in forensic psychology

1.4. State Licensure

1.5. Board Certification

2. Subspecialities

2.1. Clinical Forensic Psychologists

2.2. Developmental Psychologists

2.3. Cognitive Psychologists

3. Salaries

3.1. $64,140 - May 2008

3.2. Lowest pay less than $37,900 per year

3.3. Highest-paid 10 percent earn more than $106,840

4. History

4.1. Recognized by the APA as a specialty in 2001

4.2. 1900s became a prominent branch of the criminal justice system

4.3. 20th Century books written, testimonies allowed in courts, and lectures offered

4.4. First Psychology lab founded in Germany

4.5. Has been studied for more than 100 years

5. Ethics

5.1. Responsibilities

5.1.1. Integrity

5.1.2. Fairness

5.1.3. Avoid Conflict of Interest

5.2. Competence

5.2.1. Knowledge of the Legal System

5.2.2. Knowledge of Legal Rights of Individuals

5.2.3. Consider the Impact of Personal Beliefs and Experiences

5.3. Privacy and Confidentiality

5.3.1. Release of Information

5.3.2. Use of Case Materials

5.3.3. Acquiring Third Party Information