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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Why?

1.1. For Parents, Students, and Teachers

1.2. Shows Progress and Understanding

1.3. Informs Written and Taught Curriculums

2. How?

2.1. Formative

2.1.1. Written Assignments

2.1.2. Performance

2.1.3. In-Class Discussions

2.2. Summative

2.2.1. Written Assignments

2.2.2. Projects

2.2.3. Performances Performance Reflections

2.3. Self-Assessment and Reflection

3. Reporting

3.1. Report Cards

3.2. Grades

3.2.1. Mastered or Exemplary

3.2.2. Proficient or Competent

3.2.3. Developing

3.2.4. Emerging or Beginning

3.3. Bump It Up Board

4. Who?

4.1. Teachers

4.2. Students

4.3. Parents

4.4. Administrators

5. What?

5.1. Learner Profile

5.2. Standards

5.3. Skills

5.4. Concepts

6. When?

6.1. Pre-Assessment

6.2. Throughout Unit (Formative)

6.3. End of Unit (Summative)