Self-portrait of Sydney Coble

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Self-portrait of Sydney Coble by Mind Map: Self-portrait of Sydney Coble

1. Intelligence

2. Highly Musical

3. Low score in naturalistic

4. Personality

5. Scored highest in Adventurer and Organizer

6. Lowest score in giving

7. Preferred Teaching Styles

8. Creative

9. Involved

10. Philological preferences

11. Auditory

12. Visual Picture

13. Visual Word

14. Successful Intelligence

15. Need to work on practical skills

16. Strong Creative Skills

17. Family

17.1. Friends

18. Interests

18.1. Music

18.1.1. School

19. How I Study Best

20. Quizzing Myself

21. Flashcards

22. In Groups

23. Also highly interpersonal

24. Hands-on

25. Instructional

26. Environmental preferences

27. Light

28. Sound

29. Temperature

30. ONET Scores

31. Artistic was my second highest

32. Social was my third highest

33. Enterprising was my highest

34. Emotional Intelligence

35. I need to work on my responsibility

36. I have a strong sense of self-control