Rethinking Assessment

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Rethinking Assessment by Mind Map: Rethinking Assessment

1. Why?

1.1. For Parents, Students, and Teachers

1.2. Shows what students know, understand, can do, and feel

1.3. Informs Written and Taught Curriculums

1.4. Teacher self-assessment and reflection

1.5. Inform on success of the program

1.6. Promote learning with feedback (Formative)

2. How? (Be mindful of learning outcomes before designing assessment)

2.1. Formative

2.1.1. Written Assignments

2.1.2. Performance

2.1.3. In-Class Discussions

2.2. Summative

2.2.1. Written Assignments

2.2.2. Projects

2.2.3. Performances Performance Reflections

2.3. Self-Assessment and Reflection

2.4. Variety of Tools and Strategies

3. Recording and Reporting

3.1. Report Cards

3.2. Grades

3.2.1. Mastered or Exemplary

3.2.2. Proficient or Competent

3.2.3. Developing

3.2.4. Emerging or Beginning

3.3. Bump It Up Board

3.4. Student-led Conferences

3.5. PYP Exhibition

4. Who?

4.1. Teachers

4.2. Diverse Students

4.3. Parents

4.4. Administrators

4.5. All School Stakeholders

5. What?

5.1. Knowledge

5.2. Attitudes

5.3. Skills

5.4. Concepts

5.5. Action

5.6. Are students developing their ability to inquire and further their inquiries?

5.7. Understanding of Central Idea

6. When?

6.1. Pre-Assessment

6.2. Throughout Unit (Formative)

6.3. End of Unit (Summative)