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Me by Mind Map: Me

1. Personality Spectrum

2. Higher

2.1. Giver

2.2. Adventurer

3. Lower

3.1. Thinker

3.2. Organizer

4. Interests

4.1. Track And Field

4.2. Baking

4.3. Traveling

4.4. Surfing

5. How I Study Best?

5.1. At night

5.2. By myself

5.3. At night

6. Higher

6.1. Interpersonal

6.2. Existential Intelligence

6.3. Interpersonal Intelligence

6.4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

6.5. Intra-personal Intelligence

7. Intelligences

8. Lower

8.1. Musical Intelligence

8.2. Linguistic Intelligence

8.3. Spatial Intelligence

8.4. Naturalist Intelligence

9. Teaching Styles I like

9.1. Personal Work

9.2. Hands on

9.3. Discussion