Karma Weber

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Karma Weber by Mind Map: Karma Weber

1. Emotional Intelligence

1.1. Skilled at

1.1.1. Perceiving and identifying emotions in others

1.2. Average E-IQ

2. Multiple Intelligence

2.1. Highest= Interpersonal and Intrapersonal (tied)

2.2. Lowest= Naturalistic

3. BE Survey

3.1. Environmental Preferences

3.1.1. Sounds= Quiet

3.1.2. Light= Bright

3.2. Physiological Preferences

3.2.1. Late Morning/ Early Afternoon

4. Preferred Teaching Style

4.1. Logical Presentations

4.2. Hands-on Presentations

5. Values

5.1. Self- Improvement

5.2. Helping Others

5.3. Pursuing an Education

6. Career Interests (Using O*Net)

6.1. Results on O*Net

6.1.1. Highest= Social (23)

6.1.2. Lowest= Realistic, Investigative, Conventional (0)

6.2. My Career Interests

6.2.1. High School Therapist

7. Successful Intelligence Results

7.1. Practical= 39

7.2. Analytical= 29

7.3. Creative= 33

8. Personality Spectrum

8.1. Higher= Giver

8.2. Lower= Thinker

9. Preferred Study Strategies

9.1. Telling others what I've learned (Interpersonal/ Giver)

9.2. Studying in a quiet place (Intrapersonal)

10. Interests

10.1. Drawing

10.2. Listening to music

10.3. Being with my friends