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Entertainment by Mind Map: Entertainment

1. Music

1.1. Concerts

1.1.1. Charger

1.1.2. Spare Battery

1.2. operas

1.2.1. Extra Batteries

1.3. rap

1.3.1. Extra Batteries

1.3.2. Memory Extra Memory

2. Theater

2.1. Les Miz

2.2. Miss Saigon

2.3. Rock of Aegis

2.4. Hamilton

3. Shows

3.1. the Flash

3.2. 24 oras

3.3. powerpuff girls

4. Games

4.1. Pokemon

4.1.1. Paper

4.1.2. Directions

4.1.3. Location

4.1.4. GPS

4.2. GTA

4.3. Mario

4.3.1. Cash

4.3.2. Cards

5. Celebrities

5.1. Kim K

5.1.1. T-shirt

5.1.2. Hoodie

5.1.3. Light Jacket

5.2. Lebron James

5.3. Tyler Oakley