Digital Marketing Landscape

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Digital Marketing Landscape by Mind Map: Digital Marketing Landscape

1. PPC

1.1. Pay-Per-Click

1.2. Google Adwords

1.3. Facebook Ads

2. Affiliate Marketing

2.1. Make Money On The Internet

2.2. Commission Basis

3. Content

4. Wordpress

4.1. Plugin

4.1.1. Confession

4.2. Themes

4.2.1. Paid

4.2.2. Free

5. Conversion

5.1. Leads

5.2. Revenue

5.3. Email Optins

5.4. Comments/Share

6. Video Marketing

6.1. Introductory Videos

6.2. Explainer Video

6.3. Video Ads

6.4. Vlogs

6.5. Customer Testimonials

7. SEO

8. Mobile Marketing

9. Analytics

9.1. Google Analytics

10. Keywords

11. Social Media

11.1. Linkedin

11.2. FB

11.2.1. Profile

11.2.2. Page

11.2.3. Groups Open Closed Secret

11.2.4. FB Live

11.3. Twitter

11.4. Pinterest

11.5. Tumblr

11.6. Instagram

11.6.1. Tools

11.7. Youtube

12. Email Marketing