Literature Circles

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Literature Circles by Mind Map: Literature Circles

1. Student role ideas for lit circles

1.1. Questioner

1.1.1. Thinks of relevant questions

1.2. Connector

1.2.1. Text-to-self, text-to-text, text-to-world

1.3. Word Wizard

1.3.1. Selects and explains new words

1.4. Illustrator

1.4.1. Visual interpretor

1.5. Discussion director

1.5.1. Keeps the group on track, encourages participation

2. Based on common interests

3. Students select a book that interests them (could be from a list created by teacher)

4. Guiding students to a deeper understanding of the text

5. Small groups of students discuss a piece of literature in depth

5.1. Characters

5.2. Events

5.3. Style

5.4. Personal related experiences

6. Promotes critical thinking and reflection

6.1. Guided by student insight

6.2. Considering different points of view

7. Promotes collaboration

7.1. Student-directed