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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Diagnostic Assessments (Before Learning begins) Helps guide instruction and differentiation

1.1. KWL Chart

1.2. Pre- Assessment

2. Summative Assessments (Assessments given after learning)

2.1. Unit tests

2.2. Essays

2.3. Projects

2.4. Reports

3. Evaluating

3.1. What are we assessing

3.2. Edits to assessment methods

3.3. Revising and revamping assessments

4. What do students know already?

5. What have students learned?

6. Formative Assessments (Assessments during learning) Used to inform teaching in the moment.

6.1. Formal

6.1.1. Exit Tickets

6.1.2. Quiz

6.2. Informal

6.2.1. Think-Pair-Share

6.2.2. Quick Writes

6.2.3. Inside/Outside circle share

7. Provides frequent feedback for students and teacher

8. Recording and Collecting Data

8.1. Tools

8.1.1. Checklists

8.1.2. Anecdotal stories

8.1.3. Rubrics

8.2. Strategies

8.2.1. Observations

8.2.2. Performance Tasks

8.2.3. Selected Responses

9. Did our original goal get met through instruction?