RHIT Study Map

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RHIT Study Map by Mind Map: RHIT Study Map

1. Study

1.1. Check your homework answers

1.1.1. Thats under check

2. Check

2.1. Go to others for help and make sure you did your work right and get help.

2.2. check your homework that you got wrong and try to correct it

2.3. If you hear someone get the wrong answer try to help them get the right answer and understand the materials

3. Attend

3.1. Come prepared for class

3.1.1. Bring all relevant notebooks and materials to properly learn

3.2. Come to class mentally prepared to learn

3.2.1. Don't expect a boring lecture, expect to focus, learn, and understand

3.2.2. Eat a good breakfast and enough sleep

4. Preview

4.1. Learn what the class material will be

4.1.1. Shortly review the material

5. Review

5.1. Look at lecture notes

5.2. Do practice problems from class

5.3. Help others/Explain to others

6. Review

6.1. Go over the in class notes after class

6.2. Redo some of the practice problems

6.3. Work on extra problems from the textbook