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Pay-Per-Click by Mind Map: Pay-Per-Click

1. Facebook

1.1. Interests

1.2. Location

1.3. Language

1.4. Hobbies

1.5. Age

1.6. Relationship Status

2. Ad Rank

2.1. Relevant

2.2. Popularity

2.3. Quality Score

3. Re-Target Bring Back Your Visitors

3.1. Frequency Capping

4. Metrics

4.1. CPC

4.2. Impressions

4.3. Goals

4.3.1. Phone Calls

4.3.2. Inquiry

4.3.3. Purchase

4.3.4. Share your content

4.4. Monthly Budget

4.5. ROI

5. Google Adwords

5.1. Pay-Per-Click

5.2. Based on Relevant Keywords

5.3. Set Your Own Bids

5.4. Set Daily Budgets

5.5. Split Test Your Ads

5.6. Measure your ROI

6. Easiest Way to get Targetted Traffic

7. Bidding

7.1. Auctions

7.2. You only Pay Maximum CPC

8. Tools

8.1. Competitors

8.2. What ads are they running

8.3. Canva

8.4. bannersnack