Autism-group of complex disorders of brain development.

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Autism-group of complex disorders of brain development. by Mind Map: Autism-group of complex disorders of brain development.

1. signs

1.1. difficulty in the social use of vebal and non verbalcommunication

1.2. difficulty during transtion

1.3. does not point or look

1.4. faliure to bond

1.5. not intrested in playing with other children

2. Screening/Diagnosis

2.1. The Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers-Revised (M-CHAT-R™)

2.2. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale, or CARS  dignostic tool

3. Accomodations/ modification

3.1. Visual Schedule

3.2. Oral as well as written instructions

3.3. minimize distraction

3.4. post classroom rules

3.5. prepare in advance for any change or any transitions.

3.6. allow for the movement

3.7. provide visual clues