1. Digital Technologies
1.1. Knowledge and Understanding
1.1.1. Digital Systems
1.1.2. Representation of Data
1.2. Process and Production Skills
1.2.1. Collecting, Managing and Analysing Data
1.2.2. Digital Implementation
1.2.3. Investigating and Defining
1.2.4. Designing
1.2.5. Producing and Implementing
1.2.6. Evaluating
1.2.7. Collaborating and Managing
2. Design and Technologies
2.1. Knowledge and Understanding
2.1.1. Technologies and Society
2.1.2. Engineering Principles and Systems
2.1.3. Food and Fibre Production
2.1.4. Materials and Technologies Specialisations
2.2. Process and Production Skills
2.2.1. Investigating and Defining
2.2.2. Designing
2.2.3. Producing and Implementing
2.2.4. Evaluating
2.2.5. Collaborating and Managing
3. ACARA Technologies Curriculum
3.1. Key Concepts
3.1.1. Overarching idea: Creating preferred futures
3.1.2. Project management
3.1.3. Thinking in Technologies Systems thinking Design thinking Computational thinking Information and communication technology in the Australian Curriculum Safety Animal ethics