Amplify Chapter 5 pg. 91. We anchored it to what we knew about best-practice teaching and how it ...

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Amplify Chapter 5 pg. 91. We anchored it to what we knew about best-practice teaching and how it might enhance what we were already doing, so we could make informed decisions about when, why, where and how best to use technology.  What are your plans to enhance what you are already doing? by Mind Map: Amplify Chapter 5 pg. 91. We anchored it to what we knew about best-practice teaching and how it might enhance what we were already doing, so we could make informed decisions about when, why, where and how best to use technology.  What are your plans to enhance what you are already doing?

1. Karen: click plus, type your name then type a response.

2. Stacie: I want to be more aware of my students expertise next year.  I am going to make a chart and have their names on it next to the apps that they completely understand and can teach to others.  I also would like to get my students involved with other classrooms online.  I always reflect on my lessons however they are usually in my head and not recorded.  I would like to reflect and keep a digital journal.