The Australian Curriculum Technologies

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The Australian Curriculum Technologies by Mind Map: The Australian Curriculum Technologies

1. Key Ideas

1.1. Overarching idea: Creating preferred futures

1.1.1. Project Management

1.1.2. Thinking in Technologies Systems Thinking Design Thinking: Design and Technology Computational Thinking

1.1.3. Information and communication technology in the Australian Curriculum

1.1.4. Safety

1.1.5. Animal Ethics

2. Bands

2.1. Foundation- Year 2

2.2. Years 3 and 4

2.3. Years 5 and 6

2.4. Years 7 and 8

2.5. Years 9 and 10

3. Strands

3.1. Knowledge and Understaning

3.1.1. Design and Technologies Technologies and society: The use, development and impact of technologies in people's lives Technologies context: technologies and design across a range of technologies contexts

3.1.2. Digital Technologies Digital systems: The components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks and their use Representations of data: How data are represented and structured symbolicallly

3.2. Processes and Production Skills

3.2.1. Design and Technologies Creating designed solutions by: - Investigating and defining - Generating and designing - Producing and implementing - Evaluating - Collaborating and managing

3.2.2. Digital Technologies Collecting, managing and analysing data Creating digital solution by: - Investigating and defining - Generating and designing - Producing and implementing - Evaluating - Collaborating and managing

3.3. Teachers can select technologies-specific content from the Knowledge and understanding strand and students can apply skills from the Processes and production skills strand to that content.

3.4. The common strand structure provides an opportunity to highlight similarities across the two subjects that will facilitate integrated approaches to teaching.

4. General Capabilities

4.1. Literacy

4.2. Numeracy

4.3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability

4.4. Critical and Creative Thinking

4.5. Personal and Social Capability

4.6. Ethical Understanding

4.7. Intercultural Understanding

5. Cross Curricular Priorities

5.1. Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander Histories and CUltures

5.2. Asia and Australi's Engagement with Asia

5.3. Sustainability

6. Subjects

6.1. Design and Technologies

6.1.1. Students use design thinking and technologies to generate and produce design solutions for authentic needs and opportunities

6.2. Digital Technologies

6.2.1. Students use computational thinking and information systems to define, design and implement digital solutions

7. Aims

7.1. The Australian Curriculum aims to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to ensure that, individually and collaboratively, students:

7.1.1. - Investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions

7.1.2. - Are creative, innovative and enterprising when using traditional, contemporary and emerging  technologies, and understand how technologies have developed over time

7.1.3. - Make informed and ethical decisions about the role, impact and use of technologies in the economy, environment and society for a sustainable future

7.1.4. - Engage confidently with and responsibly select and manipulate appropriate technologies- materials, data, systems, components, tools and equipment- when designing and creating solutions

7.1.5. Critique, analyse and evaluate problems, needs or opportunities to identify and create solutions

7.2. These aims are extended and complemented by specific arms for each Technologies subject