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Diana by Mind Map: Diana

1. Spanish from Colombia

1.1. arrived in JK - now grade 1

1.2. was progressing well - now regressed

1.2.1. illness / loss of hearing / absenteeism

1.3. Listening STEP 2-3

1.4. Speaking STEP 3

1.5. Reading STEP 4

1.6. Writing STEP 2-4

2. Strength = Reading

2.1. use reading to help with speech - Reading Recovery

2.2. She can read and follow instructions consisting of multiple steps for a project or independent work..

2.3. She is confident with high-frequency words and phrases and key academic vocabulary when they are in print.

2.4. She can also determine meaning of some unfamiliar words, using some cueing systems.

3. Interests = Nature + Art

3.1. encourage enrollment in extracurricular Art Class or Clubs

3.2. DI for projects could include an Art presentation option

4. Support

4.1. IEP (maybe short term)

4.2. LRT

4.3. ESL teacher withdrawal/tutoring

4.4. Speech and Language Pathologist

4.5. peers

4.5.1. in past was brother

4.5.2. now Portuguese classmates

4.5.3. small group for English and less stress

5. Spec Ed Resources

5.1. Assistive Technology for Hard-of-Hearing + Language Impairment

5.1.1. Voice to Text

5.1.2. Translation App

5.1.3. Hearing Aids FM System

6. Strategies

6.1. graphic organizers

6.2. visuals for vocab

6.3. dual-language dictionaries for all subjects

6.4. "identity text" / bilingual book

6.4.1. Nursery Rhymes

6.4.2. Lullabies

6.4.3. Immigrating/travel (with Portuguese partners)

6.5. Universal Design

6.5.1. learning goals

6.5.2. anchor charts

6.5.3. exemplars

7. Physical Factor = Definite hearing loss

7.1. preferential seating

7.2. repeat instructions back

7.3. lots of visuals

8. Psychological Factor = Potential Social Anxiety

8.1. build confidence

8.1.1. Reading Buddies

8.1.2. small group work

9. Concern with Speech L1 and L2

9.1. pronunciation

10. Parents: Mom = just Spanish: Dad = English + Spanish

10.1. limited ESL support

10.1.1. maybe concern over loss of culture

10.1.2. need to engage and explain appreciation/benefits of dual-languages

10.2. good advocates for health

11. Inconsistencies in Writing

11.1. re-read work before submitting (for Spanish)

11.2. Bilingual Academic word lists